Hi!  Are you a youth group leader, Sunday school teacher, or do you work with a bible study or small group in your church community?  If so, we hope that in these pages you’ll find helpful resources for:

  • planning weekly Sunday School lessons,
  • doing Bible studies,
  • planning weekend retreats, or
  • preparing short devotions or sermons.

Steve and I became youth leaders (Sunday School teachers) a year and a half ago.  We’d never really planned on it, but it sort of just fell into our laps as we searched for a way to serve in our church.  We’ve been married only three years now, and don’t yet have kids of our own (soon to change – I’m 5 months pregnant now :), so we’ve done a lot of Googling over the last 18 months trying to figure out how to plan lessons and games that are appropriate for teaching “our” youth kids messages about Jesus and scripture. We’re also part of a couple different small groups in which we have the opportunity to frequently plan out devotionals and team nights.

I’ve found that lots of online material is geared towards younger children, so in an attempt to feed back into other small group leaders out there, we’ve created this site to share our own thoughts and resources back with you for youth, kids, and adults alike!  If you have any ideas how we can make the resources more useful, please contact us and let us know.

We love you, and God bless as you work tirelessly for His kingdom!

X Janna & Steve